Chapter # 3                      

3.2   Porcelain

          Porcelain insulators and bushings have been used in the electrical industry since its inception.  They have excellent dielectric properties, long life, are resistant to atmospheric corrosion and U/V radiation.  The infrastructure cost to manufacture porcelain component is very heavy.  The process is extremely labour intensive and requires very skilled engineering and operating staff.

          The dielectric properties of a porcelain insulator, in most cases, can be fully restored, after a flashover across its surface, by washing with solvent and water and cleaning the same.  Porcelain Insulators have excellent resistance to water absorption.

          The porcelain manufacturing process, in brief, comprises:

3.2.1   Raw material

          The raw material comprises silica, feldspar, and clay that is mixed in the ratio of 3:2:5

          Alumina (Al2O3 ) can also be substituted for silica.  Alumina-based porcelain products have better mechanical properties than with their silicon counterparts.

3.2.2   Slip House

          The raw material mixed with water is charged into a ball mill and ground.  The mixture is called slip.  The slip is continuously agitated in a tank.  The slurry is passed through magnetic separators and vibrating screens to remove Iron and coarse particles in a process called slip filtration.

         The slip is then passed through a set of filter presses to remove excess water and gets converted to filter cakes.  The hardness of the cake is checked, stacked, and is sent either for Pugging or Jiggering.

Ball Mill

Filter Presses

3.2.3   Pugging

In the Pugging Process, the cake is fed to the vacuum / de-airing pug mill which discharges a cylindrical blank.  For porcelain manufacturing industries, the diameter of the pug determines its capacity.  The pug size is approximately 20% larger than the diameter of the finished product to cater to shrinkage during the manufacturing process.  The pug is taken for machining by vertical or horizontal lathe depending upon the size and shape of the finished product.

Pug Mill

3.2.4   Jiggering

          In this process, the final shape is given to the cake.  It is normally carried out in two stages wherein the cake is pressed in a machine and then finished on a turntable.



3.2.5   Finishing

          The product is fine finished as per the dimensions and sent for drying.

          Drying is a very important process where the moisture content is brought down from 15% to 2-3%.  The method of drying is extremely important and depends upon the shape and size of the component.  It should be ensured that the moisture gradient from the core centre to the exposed surface is kept to a minimum.  It is far easier to dry a thin shell porcelain housing than a solid core insulator for obvious reasons.

          The natural drying process is the best.  The accelerated process of drying may leave a higher moisture gradient resulting in distortion & cracks. Some manufacturers go to the extreme limits to ensure uniform minimal moisture gradient by rotating the finished component by 90 degrees at an interval of 1 day before undertaking sandering and glazing.


3.2.7   Sandering & Glazing

          Most of the porcelain products have metal inserts.  To get a grip on the metal insert, a rough surface must be made available on the finished housing.  Sand grog mono mesh of a particular size is embedded on the surface with an adhesive and the process is called sandering.

          Glazing is carried out to ensure a smooth surface that is impervious to moisture.  A glazing paste of the desired colour is applied to the entire surface of the product before firing.


3.2.8   Firing

          The product is loaded onto trolleys for firing in kilns.  This can be a continuous or batch type of kiln depending upon the product, shape, size, and quantity.  Standard components such as disc insulators, pin insulators, stack insulators are fired in continuous kilns.  Big shells and special insulators are fired in a batch kiln.

          Firing of components in the kiln is a very tricky process that requires experience and a thorough understanding of temperature distribution inside the furnace and the geometry of the product and other parameters.  The success or failure of all preceding processes will be evident only after the firing and no component can be recycled after the firing has taken place. 



3.2.9   Metallics

          The metal component is normally malleable cast iron (MCI) for most of the applications in transmission & distribution.  Metal inserts and flanges made of Brass, Bronze, and Aluminium are also used in the porcelain insulator manufactured for use in Busbar Systems. 

          The design of the metal insert to mate with the porcelain housing is very critical and depends upon the bonding material.



3.2.10   Assembly

The fired components are machined (if required) before taking up for assembly with the metal parts.  Most of the metal parts are attached to the housing with Portland cement.  The curing process time is protracted and cannot be shortened.  Many manufacturers have used quick-setting cement or resin for bonding the metallics to the shell, to cut down on the processing time.  A rubberized cushion gasket is interposed between the metal and the porcelain for ensuring even distribution of the load.

          Assembly is a very important process in the manufacture of the insulator and bushings for a Busbar System to establish the guaranteed technical parameters.


3.2.11   Testing

          The in-process and finished product testing procedure for the porcelain component is very well defined.  The component has to be inspected for conformance to parameters at every stage of production.  ANSI / IEEE and IEC have very clearly defined the testing procedures and acceptance norms, for porcelain insulators and bushings.



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