Chapter # 3                                                                                         INSULATING MATERIAL     

3.4   Resin

          Porcelain insulators have to be manufactured in bulk for a commercially viable price and require a long lead time dictated by the process. With the porcelain insulators and bushings getting expensive and requiring longer lead time, they began to get substituted gradually by synthetic resin insulators and bushings.  Due to their low cost, lightweight, better lead time, and acceptable mechanical and electrical properties, several manufacturers of Busbar Systems have opted for insulators and bushings manufactured with synthetic resins.  Synthetic resins can be formulated and synthesized to deliver the desired performance for a given application.

          Natural resins are viscous liquids, exuded from trees and plants that are insoluble in water and flammable.  They tend to solidify over time.  Among many different applications, resins have been used as adhesives for many centuries.  Synthetic resins are chemically synthesized organic polymers with properties similar to that of natural resins.  These are thermoset polymers.

          Common terminologies associated with the resin manufacturing and processing industry are listed below.

·         Fillers are added to the resin in a specified proportion to obtain desired mechanical properties. Anhydrous quartz and silica of specified particle size are some of the most commonly used fillers.

·         Pigment pastes, that are predominantly inorganic, are added to the mix and homogenously stirred to give the desired colour.

·         Catalysts – Initiators – Activators are added to the resin in a one-part system to commence the process of polymerization.

·         Hardener is a part of a two-part system (the other being resin) to react with resin for chemical bonding.

·         Accelerator is added to the resin mix to accelerate the reaction and reduce the process time.

·         Glass Transition Temperature (GTT) on when tested under controlled conditions, under mechanical load, as defined by the standards.

·         Plasticizer is added to the resin mix to predominantly give adequate flexibiity during the moulding process and usage.  Excess plasticizer reduces glass transition temperature by 5 to 10

·         Pot Life is the time taken for an initial, mixed viscosity to double from the time the product is mixed and is measured at room temperature.  The definition may vary for low viscosity products.

·         Working Life is the time a resin retains low enough viscosity that it can be used for a specific application. (Pot life can act as a guide in determining the working life).

·         Gel Time is the time interval between the introduction of the catalyst and the formation of a gel. It is an indicator of pot life and working life.

·         Exothermic Reaction is a chemical reaction that results in the liberation of heat. (Endothermic reactions result in absorption of heat).

·         Thermoset materials are those products that undergo a permanent transformation at a threshold elevated temperature.  (Thermoplastic materials regain their original properties when cooled).

·         Curing is the process of cross-linking and attaining the desired parameters after the process has been initiated.  Curing time is the time taken for the completion of the process and is temperature-dependent. 

·         Potting – Encapsulation is a process of providing a protective cover to offer protection against moisture/water and a corrosive atmosphere.  It can also be used for electrical insulation and protection against ultra-violet radiation.

·         Impregnation is a process by which a reinforcement/filler is completely encapsulated /wet with a   suitable/compatible matrix for imparting certain properties.

Resin Reaction

          Synthetic resins are commercially available in solid and liquid forms. The resin products are manufactured for a one-component system or a two-component system.

One Component System

          In the one-component system (normally with polyester resin) resin mixed with the initiator in the desired proportion is packaged in a common container.  The component needs to be heated to a specific temperature to initiate a reaction for bonding and kept for a specific duration for it to attain the mechanical properties.  Reactions for some of the resins mix can also be initiated by ultraviolet light.  Modern-day, commercially available resin systems necessarily use an accelerator to speed up the reaction along with the initiator at room temperature. Various peroxides are used for curing the one component (polyester) resin system at an elevated temperature when the process demands it.

Two-Component System

          In the two-component system (normally with epoxy resin) the resin and the hardener are mixed to trigger polymerization.  This process is associated with an exothermic reaction resulting in cross-linking.  Depending upon the formulation, the curing can take place either at room temperature or at elevated temperatures.  Products manufactured with the two-component system generally exhibit superior properties than those manufactured with a one-component system.

          Any manufactured resin component must be allowed to cure for a week to attain the desired properties before it is taken for testing. Alternatively, the component can be subjected to a post-curing cycle at recommended elevated temperature, to attain the properties.

Resin Classification

          For the Busbars Systems, the resin components are classified based on the raw material and process.  Each of them has specific application and cost implications.

Epoxy Resin                               Epoxy Resin with Glass reinforcement

Polyester Resin                          Polyester Resin with Glass reinforcement

Polyurethane Resin                   Cycloaliphatic Resin



3.4.1   Epoxy Resin

          The process of making an epoxy resin cast component is comparatively simple. Epoxy resin and filler (of correct sieve) are thoroughly mixed in the recommended proportions.  The filler is either quartz or alumina.  Since both the filler elements are hygroscopic, care should be taken to ensure that they are separately heated to remove any moisture content.  The cost of the product is significantly dependent upon the mix ratio.  The mix is heated to a slightly elevated temperature and stirred continuously to avoid settling of filler.  Hardener and plasticizer are added to the mix in the desired ratio and stirred.  Accelerators are added in the right proportion before pouring into the moulds. This is an exothermic reaction.  The mixing chamber is desired to be kept under vacuum for optimum mix quantity that is void and moisture-free.  The process is also referred to as degassing.

          A split/add-on mould is made with hard chrome plated interior.  Desired tapers are provided for releasing the mould.  The releasing agent is wiped on the surface.

          There are two methods of casting the epoxy component.  In both cases, the mixing is carried out in a vacuum to remove air and moisture.

          In one process, the mould is pre-heated and placed inside a vacuum chamber.   The mix is then poured under vacuum into the mould very slowly, by gravity.  Once the mould is filled, further heat is applied to complete the curing. The component is demoulded after complete curing is achieved.  It should be noted that the mix will shrink inside the mould, during the cooling process and therefore, the mould design should cater to the same.

          Alternatively, the mix is injected into the heated mould under pressure.  The injection pressure must be maintained in the injection line so that any curing shrinkage can be compensated for by the resin being pushed into the mould.  The mould is taken out and the product is released, after a defined time.

          It is absolutely necessary that voids are not present in an epoxy component.  It will not only impact the mechanical properties but will also lead to partial discharge, resulting in the failure of the dielectric.

          (There are formulations that resin manufacturers market for the cold pouring of resin with similar additives.  The preference in the electrical industry is still for the hot setting compounds only)

          In the cast resin insulators/bushings, the inserts are attached to the mould before casting and they become an integral part of the as-cast component.  Here again, the material of the insert such as plated steel, stainless steel, brass, and bronze can be specified. The minimum acceptable thermal class of insulation is Class ‘B’ to meet ANSI/IEEE standards or IEC recommendations for bus products.

Epoxy Insulator

Epoxy Bushing

3.4.2   Glass Reinforced Epoxy Resin 

          Glass has been used as a reinforcing agent in epoxy resin components to significantly improve mechanical strength.  Depending upon the shape of the component, the mechanical strength of the epoxy can be enhanced, several times, by reinforcing it with glass.  There are various methods of reinforcements, depending upon the shape, size, and application of the product.

          Hollow cylindrical/conical components can be made by filament winding.  In this process, a glass filament passes through a bath of a mix of epoxy resin and hardener and is wound over a suitable mandrel.  The filament is kept under tension to ensure that there are no trapped air gaps between the filaments.  Woven roving can be inserted during the build-up of the profile thickness to enhance the cross-breaking strength of the cylinder.  The filament is wound to a coarse shape on the mandrel. The semi-finished product is removed from the mandrel and cured in an oven at elevated temperature.  (The mandrel has a gentle taper to enable the semi-finished product to be pulled out).  After curing, machining is carried out to the desired dimensions.

         Filament wound cylinders are used as housings for the composite insulators, transformers bushings, outdoor instrument transformers, and lightning arresters.  Filament wound cylinders are used in on-load tap changer (OLTC), formers for winding HT & LT windings in a dry type and oil-immersed transformer.  They are also used as bushing housing in Busbar Systems. 

          High-strength, long, profiled insulating components are manufactured by a process called pultrusions.  The process comprises a large number of glass filaments, passing through a mix of epoxy resin & hardener and converging to a profiled mould and pulled at the other end.  Woven roving can be introduced at a convenient location, to improve the cross breaking strength of the profile.  (The process of pultrusions is such that it has a far higher tensile strength in the direction of pull than perpendicular to it.  Introduction of woven roving improves the strength in the radial direction.)

          Epoxy sheets can be manufactured by pressing the glass and epoxy resin mix at high pressure.  Woven roving or chopped strand mat is introduced to improve upon the cross-breaking strength and other mechanical properties.

          Glass-reinforced epoxy resin components are used in Busbar Systems as support blocks, bushings, phase barriers, and tie-rods.

3.4.3   Polyester Resin

          Polyester resin is commercially available in liquid form.  It normally has a shelf life of about one year and it is advisable to use the same within six months of the date of manufacture.

          Polymerization of polyester resin can be initiated by a catalyst, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP), that is mixed in a specified proportion.  The polymerization process of polyester resin constitutes an exothermic reaction and results in the release of a significant amount of heat.  It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that the reaction takes place under a controlled environment.

          A Filler can be added to the resin as per the desired ratio to deliver the specified parameters.  (The filler should be heated to remove moisture and stored in sealed packets). The filler should be thoroughly mixed with the resin before mixing the catalyst.

          Polyester resin is used for the encapsulation and insulation of components.  There are various grades of commercially available polyester resins such as orthopthalic resin, terephthalic resin, and isophthalic resin which can be used depending on the end properties of the product and the costs.

          Since most of the polyester resin components are used for Low Voltage applications, the component need not be cast in a vacuum as long as the mix is thoroughly homogenized and poured into the mould, taking precautions to ensure that there are no voids. 

3.4.4   Glass Reinforced Polyester Resin

          Glass-reinforced polyester resins are used in the electrical industry for low voltage applications such as laminated sheets, insulators, bushings, and a large variety of components.

          Filament winding of cylinders, Pultrusions, and glass-reinforced sheets can be manufactured with polyester resin by the same process as that carried out for the epoxy resin. 

          In general, polyester resins are less viscous compared to epoxy resin.  Further, glass mixed polyester resins with pigments, fillers, and catalysts are readily available from the manufacturers of the resins.  These are available in two specific glass compositions and are used, depending upon the shape of the component, to be moulded. 

          One-part resin, dough moulding compound (DMC) and sheet moulding compound (SMC) have been extensively used as insulators for low voltage applications.  The type of compound (DMC or SMC) to be moulded depends upon the shape of the component.

          In DMC, a dough is used with a predetermined ratio of polyester resin, catalyst, and glass strands of approximately 25 mm (1”) long.  A predetermined amount of the dough is injected into the mould and pressed at elevated temperature. The mould should ensure that air pockets do not get entrapped inside the component.  DMC can be used for moulding components with difficult profiles.

          In SMC, the impregnated glass mat with polyester resin is applied in layers and pressed in a mould ensuring that there are no air pockets.  Sheet re-enforcement provides much better cross breaking strength.  SMC is used where the component is mostly flat.

          A manufacturer can use a combination of DMC and SMC depending upon the nature and profile of the product. The percentage of glass is 20 % to 40 % and the rest is filler, resin, pigment, and other additives for imparting specific properties such as fire retardance, chemical resistance, anti-static properties, etc.  Insert material made of plated steel, stainless steel, brass can be specified and it can form part of the moulded component.

SMC Finger Insulator

3.4.5   Cycloaliphatic Resin

          Cycloaliphatic epoxy resins are non-aromatic and have fully saturated molecular structures, they are suited for use in applications requiring resistance to ultraviolet degradation (outdoor application) and electrical arc-tracking.  Cycloaliphatic resins are also ideally suited for applications in severe environments such as near sea coasts and areas of high industrial pollution.

          Among their most notable features are their inherently low viscosity, coupled with excellent weathering and electrical performance.

          The inherent low viscosity of these resins enables them to be formulated with higher levels of inorganic fillers like quartz or silica. This enhances mechanical properties and electrical track resistance for such components. Their low viscosity allows for rapid fibre wet-out in commonly used processes that include filament winding, pultrusions, and resin transfer moulding.

          Formulations incorporating these resins can exhibit high, glass transition temperatures in the range of 200°C.  Their characteristics of low dielectric loss and high electrical resistivity, up to or above their glass transition temperatures, provide high performance and reliability in both AC and DC circuitry.

3.4.6   Polyurethane Resin

          Polyurethane has not found much acceptance in Busbar Systems application unlike in the building industry where polyurethane foam has been universally accepted as thermal insulation.  It is used as a coating and bonding material for a variety of applications.

          It is used as a potting/encapsulating compound for low and medium voltage instrument transformers, varnish for improving anti-tracking properties, coat/paint for protection against corrosive atmosphere.

          Polyurethane resin for potting is commercially available in a liquid state, pre-mixed with a filler element that is quartz or silica.  During storage, the filler tends to settle down at the bottom of the container.  Resin with filler is thoroughly mixed to ensure homogenization and hardener is added to the mix before potting.  The process is carried out in a vacuum/pressure gelation technique to avoid any porosity.  Low viscosity makes the potting process quick and efficient.  Formulations are available in a two-part process system.

          The properties of the polyurethane are very similar to that of epoxy resin.  It is tough and has better impact resistance.  The thermal class of insulation is low and hence, its application is limited.

3.4.7   Composites

          Composite insulations have found usage in outdoor installations. A composite insulator comprises a glass-reinforced core, covered with a silicone rubber casing.  The glass-reinforced core provides the necessary insulation and mechanical strength while the covering protects against U/V radiations and atmospheric pollutants.  The covering can be profiled for desired creepage distance.

          The core can be a pultruded rod of glass epoxy as in the case of transmission lines (string insulators) or can be a filament wound cylinder as in the case of post insulators in switchyards.  (Housings of high voltage oil-immersed CTs and VTs also use composite insulation. The filament wound cylinder diameter can be profiled from top to bottom for optimal design).  Lightning arrester housings are also made of composites since filament-wound tubes can withstand very high pressures and do not shatter when absorbing the energy of an electrical surge.  (Shattering of lightning arrestor housing can damage expensive switchyard equipment in the vicinity of its installation.)

Metal parts or flanges, normally made of spheroidal grey iron (SGI) can be glued and attached as per the application requirements. The core can be inserted into a silicone rubber skirt of the desired profile to provide the necessary creepage. Composite insulators are significantly lighter than their equivalent porcelain counterparts. 



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